Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Reflection Is Missing...

It's been a while, I know. The sun is shining, I just bought a new Suv and my time is taken up with feedings, cleaning and working. There's just toooo many distractions! :)
I'm excited and proud to say we've had four successful feedings, a great first shed and a large poop as a thank you. Handling is a work in progress, but our newest addition is coming along nicely. We love her as much as our little Hoobs <3

Back to the only real project I worked on in the last month. The other day I picked up this great mirror for a whole $4! So I lightly sanded down the frame, as it was peeling, and roughed up the old scratched up mirror. I grabbed a small tin of chalkboard paint and went at it.
I didn't remove all of the gold paint on the frame just the loose bits. I took some simple black acrylic paint, painted it on and wiped it off. I think it gives a dirty charm to it and matches our dark brown furniture better than the gold would have.
-I'll strongly suggest you have a ventilated area and really I mean outside. The paint is very fumey and not pleasent to smell at all.
-It's oil base.. so you know clothes you don't like is recommended hahah.
-The next time I do this project I would scrap the mirror/glass and use some plywood stapled to the back of the mirror. Really just for the stablity and especially if its a gift for a child.